The first shot is from the entrance, looking into the gallery:

This is going to the left, with Brooke Morgan's Studies in Grass 1 first, then Liz Williamson's Small Remembrances:

Liz's work again, and Gaawaa: Lifeblood, by Lucy Simpson:

This is Urban Palimpsests by Joanna Redestowicz, and Paula do Prado's Flag Work:

This is my Embodied Landscape 1:

This is Embodied Landscape 3 (I Am Because We Are):

And Embodied Landscape 2:

Belinda von Mengersen's Dusting Cloth is on the right:

The quilt in the middle section is called Sydney Twinkle and is by Alison Muir:

More of Alison's work - Aquamarine, Troubled Water, and Medium is the Message, with part of Brook Morgan's installation Studies in Grass 2 in the next section:

Studies in Grass 3 by Brooke:

Sarah Evans, the curator, also put together a great catalogue. Here's the cover and my pages: