This series is collectively called Domestic Graveyards. This is another example of liking a phrase and applying it to a work that probably has no connection to the phrase at all. It comes from a Dead Can Dance song, The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove. This series of drawings is another artistic dead-end. I had a great fountain pen for awhile and I really liked the ink, and the mark that the nib made, so I did this series of geometric abstractions with small strokes to fill in the space. Each drawing is on a standard business card-sized card, and they were framed in groups of 5. I think I'd've preferred to frame a larger number together as one large grid work, but this was all I produced, and it's often easier to sell a smaller work than one large work. These were in a Christmas show at PCL Exhibitionists one year in the early 90s. I still have the works, but have since re-used the frames for other work, a standard emerging artists practice!
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