This post features a sketchbook that I filled in for the Sketchbook Project 3 for the Art House Gallery in Atlanta. The theme was "everyone we know" but I just filled it with collage and text and drawings. The project exhibits around 2000 sketchbooks in 7 cities over a couple of months. It opens at the Art House Gallery in Atlanta tomorrow, February 27. It then will go to Washington, D.C., Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, St. Louis, and Brooklyn. I've called my sketchbook Rodney Love: Room For Improvement.
I wanted to show some things that had been published last year. The first is an interview with Dominique Angeloro in Incubate magazine which I wrote about last year (see this post). There is a pdf of the issue of the magazine (Issue 2, Summer 2008) which is easier to read here.
This is a catalogue from the Entanglement exhibition which I was in last year.My work is the series of sock panels at the bottom of page 2.(Click on the photos for a larger readable version)