Well, my solo show at Little Fish Gallery has come and gone. All that remains are the images... It's a rather odd space as it leads to an anarchist bookshop out the back, and a Queer Space that was empty while I was there. It turns out I wasn't the first stop on the tour, but the third. About 30? people came in, listened to a talk about the gallery, then I gave a short talk about my work and answered a few questions.
As described in the previous post, I exhibited two series of work. The gallery is a narrow space, and the two series faced each other. On the left hand side of the gallery I showed some works from the Everything Ends series:

On the right-hand side was part of the series Violence, Abjection and Ecstasy:

Some of the people from the Artist-Run Initiatives tour. This is looking into the gallery towards the Anarchist bookshop:

And this is looking back towards the street. Leanne Shedlezki is standing in the middle holding one of the portable Match Box Projects galleries: