This first work was called Numbers. It's a wire structure, stuffed with cotton wool, covered in silicon gel (what you would use to seal windows or shower recesses) and then thousands of pins stuck into it. It was about 45cm high. It has since been destroyed in a purge.

The End Justifies the Means was one of a number of religion-themed works. It fit with the "oppressed by corporations" theme, the Catholic church basically being a self-serving corporation with one aim - to perpetuate its own existence at any cost. It was a phase I was going through... It was a wire cross covered in thousands of nails joined by a gel medium as adhesive. It weighed a good number of kilograms! It rested on three bibles - one white, one brown, and one black. The church isn't racist - it oppresses everyone regardless of skin colour.

This was another grid of wire boxes, these ones covered with plastic tape, polyester resin, and spray painted black. Its called Black Paintings 1-9.

This was another burnt papier-mâché work, but without the resin, so it was matte instead of glossy. I think it just had a gel medium over the top to seal it. It was never exhibited, except as part of a sculpture presentation at university, and has no title. It was about 60cm high?

I also tried a lot of different objects on top of the wire. For this one I bought about $100 worth of cockroaches from the University of NSW entomology department. I slow roasted them in an oven to dry them out (they were dead when I bought them, although I could have got them live! The container was thoughtfully placed in a freezer before I got there so they'd be dead). I glued them to a wire cage, then covered the lot in polyester resin. It didn't sell, so I had it in my apartment for a few years. After awhile a gap appeared between the cockroaches and the resin. I guess the structure of the wings doesn't allow a full seal with the resin? Anyway, it ended up in a garden and the lot slowly got reclaimed by the elements. This was made soon after the referendum about the Australian Republic (perverted by the Howard regime for its own ideological purposes) so is called Elegy to the Australian Republic, with a nod to Robert Motherwell.

This work uses cicada shells left after they have metamorphosed into their winged form. It's called The Physical Impossibility of Independent Thought in the Mind of Someone Working for a Transnational Corporation, pace Damien Hirst.

This one also uses cicada shells, and is called Heaven Comes to He Who Waits. I made these works before I discovered the work of Jan Fabre.

Another sphere, but this one had papier-mâché on the inside which burnt to a flaky black shell. Covered with resin. It was called No Fire Escape in Hell, and I think got purged at some point.

This sphere was covered with pieces of felt sewn together, and the seams burnt/singed. It's called Fuck Beuys because of Joseph Beuys' use of felt, but also for the homophonic pun.

I'm not sure if this one ever got exhibited, or if it had a title. Another burnt papier-mâché work. I used to really love burning things! I don't do it any more. Just a phase I was going through! I love the random patterning that results, a sort of Dada-esque randomness.

A very poor (even by my standards) exhibition snapshot of Carrer D'Avinyo, a series of long wire tubes covered with burnt plastic and resin. I also had 3 tubes stuffed with hair that was called The Three Graces in the same show. All have been destroyed. Carrer D'Avinyo refers to a street in Barcelona famous for its brothels and referenced in Picasso's Les Demoiselles D'Avignon.

I think this was my first Holocaust-themed work, The Melting Pot (6 Million Dead). It was about 250cm long, and was stuffed with a huge amount of hair from possibly hundreds of anonymous donors (gleaned from hair salons). Two detailed shots, then a not-very-good installation shot.

This was never exhibited and never given a title. It was an experiment that never went anywhere. I spray painted the wire. I liked the colour, but the shape and paint didn't really lend any connotations which I always like to have in my work!

1 comment:
I especially like the 'The End Justifies the Means' artwork, it so appeals to my intolerance of intolerance (doesn't that just smack of stupidness)
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