I'm looking through the room sheet for the Touch show and having a bit of trouble remembering the title of this work. Possibly Tell Me I'm Beautiful? These individual boxes are about 10x15cm?

These are some hair dolls which I've shown before (see the link at the top of this post). These were the first ones that I made and I tried to make them like like they were walking.

Here are some shaped sculptures which were quite popular. I made two teddy bears, but I think the first was much more successful than the blonde one (even though it was made first). This one is A Sydney Bear, and the second is Picnic For One.

This piece was punningly called Cheveux en Marche. It really should have had two horses so the cheveux/chevaux pun would be more relevant, but there was only one.

This one might be Heaven Comes to He Who Waits, but I'd have to go digging around the attic to find photos of the show to check. It ended up outdoors in a garden to see what would happen. The wire rusted and the hair became bleached and insect-ridden.

These three were less successful, I think. I was experimenting with more shapes. The first is not anything in particular.

This is a rudimentary spider, called Such Stuff as Nightmares are Made On.

This is, hmmm, an ant, I guess. No idea of the title. There are so many angry titles (The End Justifies the Means, And You Let the Wicked Prosper, Memories Fade but the Scars Still Linger, Everyone Hates Everyone, The World Spins and Spits Turmoil, Pity) that it's hard to tell them apart!

1 comment:
i get first dibs on the horse and teddy bear.
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